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Project Management

Bing Projects & Consulting offers professional services for hi-tech companies, project managers, and future managers that are looking for consulting, mentoring, or project and product management services.

Services are based on a Focused Project Management approach that focuses on the project's vital factors regardless of the project/program methodology and provides value-based solutions. 

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Focused Project Management (FPM),
By Sagit Bing 

  • Value-focused project Management provides guidelines for resolving real-life project and organization problems using the Vital Factors model. This model focuses on mapping the critical factors and the corresponding solution actions.
  • Vital Factors management plays a crucial role in project success, guiding the project through requirements, resource utilization, and value maximization, thereby providing real value to its stakeholders.
  • Value-focused Project Management offers a new concept of project management that highlights the fundamental knowledge, activities, and skills required by Project Managers (release/project/program) in a unique and structured way to manage the project’s values
  • The new concept reflects the changes and evolvement of the project manager role, mainly in hi-tech companies, that became the key to value-driven excellence for both the project and the organization.
  • If you want to know more, you can find it here.

Bing Project & Consulting - Professional Services

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Value based Focused Project Management workshops.



Consulting services for compnaies and organizations

Image by Riccardo Annandale


  • Program & Project Managers

  • Product Managers

  • Development Managers 

  • Candidate for  Program / Product / Project Managers roles


Project Vital Factors 

The V-Factor model describes the MVP action items that effective project managers should manage during the project lifecycle, regardless of the development methodology.

Answers to each Action Item increase clarity and define the project path.

During the project lifecycle, the project manager should monitor and reassure the correctness and effectiveness of each relevant factor part. 


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Focused Project Management: Part 2 #Recipe #Value #Scope #Milestones

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